What Cartridge Would Make the Best Match?

Here is my system:

Rega P-25 turntable
EAR 834p phono stage
Audio Analogue Maestro CDP
Unison Research UNICO integrated amplifier
REL Strata III subwoofer
Spendor 2/3 speakers

I listen to classical and jazz.

What would be the best cartridge for my Rega P-25?

I'm willing to spend up to $750 for a new cart in order to get the best match.

Many thanks for your advice.
It's no where near the amount you have budgeted, but the Denon DL-103R from Audio Cubes in Japan runs $259 shipped and is a great sounding cartridge on a Rega. I've also had very positive sounds out of a Rega Exact which is made for your TT. At $599 it's pricey but can be found used for less. I have used them both and like them both quite a lot.

Paul Green
Thanks for the info. If your research is correct, the best approach would be to pretend Dsc's 834P is the MM version, even if it isn't. :-)

Given that, for a $750 budget on an RB-300 how about a Shelter 501 ($500) + K&K stepups ($225) + Twl's HIFI Mod ($25-ish) + Paul's VTF-on-the-fly mod (free)?

The Shelter is a better compliance match than the Shure, it has more output than the Denon and great sonics for his music preferences.
What a stupid post. Shelter 501 for $500? What am I smoking?

Whatever, it's great stuff! The Shelter I mean. Hey, it's only $300 over budget. Who needs lunches?
I stand corrected! I did a search over on VA and did find some satisfied 834P owners, some even using .5mV cartridges into the MM at 47kOhms. I may be trying this myself soon as I have local deal in the works that would allow me to substantially upgrade from my MMF 7. If it were me I would still anticipate fiddling aroung with some load resistors. It's pretty easy but you do need to be able to solder.

I tend agree with Audiomax, I bet most 834P's are MM/MC.
The response to my inquiry has been very helpful.

My EAR 834P has both MM and MC capability.