A question about cable break-in

I have some new ICs and speaker cables, as well as a preamp that need to be broken in. I want to let the system run for about two weeks non-stop, but don't want to have to listen to it like that. If I disconnect the speaker cables from the speakers and leave a cd running so that the signal still goes through the system, can I still achieve break-in?
Thanks for your comments.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xhifimatt
There are alot of theories as to why cables break-in, but very little hard fact. The only thing that I know is that I can hear the difference, and many people can. Some consider this to be psychological. If this is true, I'd like to learn how to apply it to the rest of my system, so I don't have to spend any more money. Others feel that it is a real phenomenon, that happens during the beginning of use. You will have to decide for yourself.
Bomarc could not hear the difference since his hearing aids have not fully burned in yet!
Bomarc: I once again offer to burn in any interconnects that you would like to send me. This would be free of charge so long as you cover the shipping. Unlike a "trial period" for other types of products or offers, you need not even worry about putting down a deposit or having to worry about getting a refund. You have nothing to fear, as this couldn't possibly "hurt" your cables either since it is only an electrical signal passing through them. Sean
Bomarc, take Sean up on it, or please stop posting on this topic! Do you have two pair of IC's that are identical? Soundstage reviewer,Srajan Ebaen, did just such an experiment with identical cables, one pair new from the package and the other run on a cable cooker. He said that anyone that could not hear the difference "was clearly hard of hearing".
Maxgain stop telling Bomarc to stop telling THE PEOPLE about cable burn-in and stop quoting someone called "Srajan Ebaen" I simply don't believe he exists! Sean, with all the good answers you usually provide here, are you sure you don't want to reconsider your position on this cable break-in, burn-in situation? And TWL are you sure you don't want to reconsider your position on analog/vinyl/SETs/single driver speakers and your other fundamental audio beliefs? I am presently in a great period of reconsideration of everything audio and would like all audiophiles to join hands and form a circle around the world to help world peace through subjective audio. Tinnitus is rearing its ugly head, so I thought I could branch out, so to speak, from simply listening to some tunes to pushing real hard FOR PEACE ON EARTH TO ALL OF GOOD WILL.