A question about cable break-in

I have some new ICs and speaker cables, as well as a preamp that need to be broken in. I want to let the system run for about two weeks non-stop, but don't want to have to listen to it like that. If I disconnect the speaker cables from the speakers and leave a cd running so that the signal still goes through the system, can I still achieve break-in?
Thanks for your comments.
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Maxgain stop telling Bomarc to stop telling THE PEOPLE about cable burn-in and stop quoting someone called "Srajan Ebaen" I simply don't believe he exists! Sean, with all the good answers you usually provide here, are you sure you don't want to reconsider your position on this cable break-in, burn-in situation? And TWL are you sure you don't want to reconsider your position on analog/vinyl/SETs/single driver speakers and your other fundamental audio beliefs? I am presently in a great period of reconsideration of everything audio and would like all audiophiles to join hands and form a circle around the world to help world peace through subjective audio. Tinnitus is rearing its ugly head, so I thought I could branch out, so to speak, from simply listening to some tunes to pushing real hard FOR PEACE ON EARTH TO ALL OF GOOD WILL.
Try attaching a dummy to a load(of cash)who cant resist fooling with the normal process of listening to your system whilst it breaketh in and you will be very happy in a fools paridisum.Who knows you may even learn about your systems synergy along the route!Change just for changes sake is never a good thing unless ye be sellin somethin matey.
Audio gear is like art everyone sees or hears something different in each piece. When I saw this thread I knew there would be chaos. Burnin is real. It is phyics. To what degree and with what level of equipment is anyones guess or opinion. The problem with gauging the impact of burnin is that everyone has a different listening area, and most everyone has different combinations of components.
From outlets to ICs to amps to cable ect. Also it is typical for users to add more than one diffent element to their system at a time further fuzzying up the logic. If anyone knows of good technical source for these issues I love the reference.
Pbb, are you running for some sort of public office? I hearby nominate you as the candidae for the leader of the "Naysayers party". I get your point. It is pointless to try to help those who don't want to be helped. Sorry to all those who want to beleive what they want to beleive and beleive me I will try to not involve myself in these discussions any more. You can lead a horse to... oh screw it!

My question is how does this help HiFimatt who asked the question?
I guess the big thing is if cables burn in then there is a change to the physical or molecular make up of the wire used. If that is the case how and when does that process stop happening or do cables have a life span? Do they sound better and then slowly start sounding bad again. Is it a case of controlled obsolesance by the cable manufacturers? I am not into the whole agrue for the sake of argue, and I also am not going to the electricians manual for my answers, I just don't get it. Everything else in our lives that requires a break-in has a point where they are worn out or spent. Is that the case here? If I am being a pest, turn up the music and drowned me out!

Happy lisstening.