A question about cable break-in

I have some new ICs and speaker cables, as well as a preamp that need to be broken in. I want to let the system run for about two weeks non-stop, but don't want to have to listen to it like that. If I disconnect the speaker cables from the speakers and leave a cd running so that the signal still goes through the system, can I still achieve break-in?
Thanks for your comments.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xhifimatt
I believe that there are a huge number of variable proccesses that are going on during the performance of interconnect or the speaker cable. To explain this proccess you gotta be a scientist in all sciences(probably excluding IT but might be handy anyway).

In addition to that in order to discuss this event you gotta be phsychologist as well in order NOT to emphisize what you partially know or don't know at all.

What seems to me that some folks dump dung on each other without complete understanding of what's realy going on.

There is only one thing now either to believe or not to believe.

The case with Rosstaman seems to me pretty-trivial. I had tried cables that out of the box gave their presence and shown the improvement over the old ones so there is still a need to find a truth...


The best thing to do is erase all manufacturer or dealer suggestions, QUIT counting break-in hours and simply listen to the music with your free mind when you need and don't listen when you don't need. The extraneous sympthoms of Audiophilia that start to raise in forms of cable or interconnect break-in might be very distructive to your mind and the replies that you're now recently reading in your post are the clear evidence to that:-).

P.S. If you can hear when the earthquake is about to start like a lizard and can capture dolphin's ultra-sound chat than you might probably have fully-developed Audiophillia.
It is a shame that this thread turned out to be a "Battle of the Wits"(so to speak) The person who started this thread asked a simple question that can be answered in simple layman terms.Yes, cable break in is a "real" physical phenomena, and not psychological. I am not a physicist but I feel that I have a good set of ears and I can honestly hear the difference between a new cable and that same cable while it is breaking in. There are different negative sounds that a new cable has( harsh highs,bloated bass,constricted midrange,minimal soundstage,etc.),but it is fascinating to hear all these negative characteristics go away as the cable breaks in. I think this cable break in is part of the fun of being an Audiophile. It's one of those things we have to deal with when we put together our little "dream systems". I will second the motion for you to search the threads under "break" and add that any of the popular cable manufacturers can explain to you in simple terms how this cable break-in phenomena works.
what's up Hifimatt and everyone,

ok, to solve you problem, you should try to buy The System Enhancer Rev-B by
Purist Audio Design, I did. This thing work great! in the first 74 minutes you notice the
difference, plus is very ease to use, just hit Play, price for it is $150 not cheap but
will do the job, or you can send the cables to a dealer for a small fee some time at no
charge! check with JC Audio(http://www.jcaudio.com/cablebreakinservice.html)
They use The AUDIODHARMA CABLE COOKER 2.0. Hope this Help.

Good Luck!
ok, to solve you problem, you should try to buy The System Enhancer Rev-B by Purist Audio Design, I did. This thing work great! the improvements is amazing! in the first 74 minute you notice the difference, plus is very easy to use, just hit Play, price for it is $150 not cheap but will do the job, or you can send the cable to a dealer for a small fee some time at no charge! check with JC Audio(http://www.jcaudio.com/cablebreakinservice.html) They use The AUDIODHARMA CABLE COOKER 2.0. Hope this Help.

Good Luck!