Cardas Cross vs. Ht Pro Silway MK II

Having upgraded most of my equipment recently, the one area that I have neglected is the interconnects. Where I live the only true stereo outlet carries generic and Monster cables, so I have to turn to reviews and posts on other cables to help with the decision making.

How do the Cardas Cross and Harmonic Tech Pro Silway II compare to each other. Im leaning towards the Pro Silways to be used between amp-preamp.

thanks Kek
Another strong performer is the Analysis Plus Solo Crystal interconnect. Very neutral and smooth.

read my review here regarding harmonic technology Magic Interconnects compared against the original XLO SIGNATURE Interconnects. BTW the XLO SIGNATURE 2 Interconnects are a nice overall improvement over the original version.
I used to own HT Truthlink, HT ProSilway MKII and Cardas Cross for my Krell and Wadia CDP. I did not much appreciate the HT products and and finally decided to sell them out. No doubt that MKII is better than Truthlink. In my system, Cardas Cross provides more natural sound quality and not deep bass like MKII.