Results from Beta Testers of New Formulas

Hi everyone,

Please use this thread to post the results of your testing of the 2-step formulas. Thank you.

Best regards,
Paul Frumkin
I thought it was odd that I couldn't find that thread! Guess the audiogon cookie monster got another one. :-(
Hi everyone,

I don't know why the prior thread was pulled. I have written A'gon, but have received no reply. That's why I began this separate thread for posting results. Maybe the thread got "yanxed?" At any rate, this is an open forum for the testers to post their results.

For those new to this and the prior thread, I am sending samples of 2 formulas for a 2-step vinyl cleaning process to 20+ people who "signed up" for the testing. I'm sorry, but I can't send out any more samples at this point. If the collective judgment of this expert group is that these formulas work well, then I open a commercial account with A'gon and make the formulas available to A'gon members at very reasonable prices.

Because the prior thread was pulled, I would appreciate it if anyone who posted results on that thread could repeat their results here. Thanks ... and sorry for the inconvenience.

I've yet to receive my samples but will post my findings as soon as practical. I'm glad to be a part of the beta testing.
Have known Paul for a number of years and please don't mistake his point blank attitude as in any way showing him as being less than humble. He is very dedicated to the pursuit of high quality sound and has been , as many of us have, "ripped" by overblown claims of sonic nirvana. I have used the first stage of his two step process to excellent advantage for some time. I was given a chance to use his second phase which was developed to remove "proteins" that become hardened deep into the groves and have to be dissolved. While I only had a brief opportunity to experiment with this solution due to the destruction of my tonearm wand...(long story involving dog...ok I had it off while doing a tweak and needed it out of the way...enter dog...end of story), the two ancient records I used as subjects were dramatically "quieted" by the use of this 2nd step of Paul's process. I'd certainly recommend Paul and his two step process and even if you don't like it, there's a chance you'll develop a friendship as warm as the one I share. There is a thread somewhere outlining the work Paul put into making a home theatre available to one of his clients...and as I recall, he donated the fees he would have ordinarily received to this project as well...MORE than a stand up who gets down on the floor and rolls around with the dust bunnies when needed...
I read through the entire thread in some detail. Your interest in the topic is obvious and in playing devil's advocate perhaps was meant to stimulate more discussion, BUT your tone is antagonistic and uncalled for. If you developed a formula that you intended on marketing, would you go into any detail as to the composition? Intellectual property is always closely guarded, it's the differentiator that makes your customers buy your product over a competing product (or simply copying your invention).

Well, Jeff, if you actually did read the entire thread in some detail, you should understand that my obvious interest was centered upon the claim and the GUARANTEE that these fluids would not damage vinyl records. As such, I politely questioned about the research and study that had gone into the development of the product, visa vis its impact on plasticizers and the degradation of these components by cleaners. I also specifically said that I was asking for NEITHER the formula NOR a list of ingredients. My initial questions were then summarily dismissed by the developer (but your reference to “marketing” is most illuminating). But, if I WAS marketing a product I’d be happy to show that I had more than a basic knowledge with respect to interactions between certain chemicals and vinyl (which is NOT shown), answer relevant questions (which were NOT), and demonstrate that I’d done my homework on which to tout my product and guarantee (other than to say that I’ve been listening to vinyl for a long time and have a friend who works at NASA). IMHO, THAT is the differentiator which would hold me in good stead with potential PAYING CUSTOMERS, but thanks for your take on customer service.

Anyway, after I pressed for answers, I was met with derision by the developer who attempted to berate me based on the content of one of my previous posts – which had NOTHING to do with the question at hand. THAT was an antagonistic and uncalled for approach that you seem to either forget or choose not to mention.

I don't have a degree in chemistry and certainly don't work in the field myself; as such I rely on what I hear rather than speculate on how or why the fluid does what it does. I've tried Paul's two step process and it works very well. Paul was kind enough to send me some samples, that's the extent of my stake in this whole thing. I also know that Paul went to one helluva lot of trouble to put together a system for a girl that was paralyzed when hit by a drunk driver. Many folks here chipped in with gear and whatnot, but Paul put a ton of time and effort in helping out Leslie. I really doubt you'll gain a lot of points with people on the 'Gon for taking potshots at a truly stand-up guy.

I don’t have a degree in chemistry, nor do I work in that field, either. Yes, you have to rely upon what you hear. In the case of these fluids, I haven’t heard much – at least not what I’d like or need to hear before risking it on my vinyl. Granted, there was a time when I would not have insisted upon such information, but no more. After doing a good bit of my own research, I have keen interest in the development of such products and the developer’s grasp of complex chemical interactions BEFORE I use a cleaning fluid – free for now, or not. It is, obviously, anyone else’s decision as to what they do and how the proceed. As far as making points, get real. I’ve been on this board for some time now and have taken both popular and unpopular stances on a variety of issues. In my mind, the idea of this board is to ask, answer, and comment - in the spirit of exchanging ideas and information upon which to base decisions or to further our enjoyment. Period. If one is looking to make “real” points I might suggest anonymous charitable contributions.

Your point about helping the young lady is truly heartwarming, and I mean that sincerely. Too little of such goes on these days, and usually it does so only after the request of others. However, it has nothing to do with the matter at hand. Mother Theresa was a wonderful woman but, with all due respect, I’d have the same questions for her if she came out with a vinyl cleaning fluid.

At the end of the day an informed opinion is what counts. Take Paul up on his offer, try out the stuff and report on your findings. Costs you nothing and all of us will certainly listen to what you have to say.

At the end of the day, you are absolutely correct about informed opinion. But, one cannot be informed, as a matter of definition, without adequate information. I don’t feel the developer has provided anything close to that, which is why I posted my questions. It is still odd to me why he has chosen to avoid these questions. Surely, if he is a “stand-up” guy, he can get beyond his personal distaste for me and provide meaningful information to potential future customers. Then again, if he cannot answer them or feels the questions unimportant, that tells us all a lot, too. Performance in terms of how the fluids clean gunk from records is only part of the overall story. I hope they work for folks and that they do not damage their records with a product that was brewed without adequate knowledge of and background in chemical/vinyl reactions.

Oh and, BTW, the previous thread was certainly not “yanxed” as it was so flippantly stated. Nice try at yet another diversion, though. If I had to guess, I’d say that the moderators looked at its purpose and intent – offering a product for free that would later be sold on Audiogon. Even this thread was started by the developer to garner comments on his product that will later carry a price tag. It’s called marketing and it’s called advertising. Last time I checked, it was also against the rules here.
