Verdict on Pure Note, Ridge Street w solid state ?

Can anyone share their experiences with these cables on Solid State equipment ? basics are Integra Research Digital pre amp, Classe 301 Amp and Legacy Signature III speakers.
The question is have Silver based interconnects and speaker cables reached the point where solid state usuers can enjoy the extra detail of silver w/o the harshness and listenening fatigue of earlier designs ? Also if anyone ever tried out Stealth UR , silver based speaker cables your thoughts are appreciated . Gracias !
Some might wonder,"What cables did old Wolfy use before he tried the Ridge Street Midnight Silver Gen. II cables?". The cables were Zu Wax for speakers, Zu Warmouths for IC's,and a Stereovox HDXV for digital (that a recent addition).I used Zu for over a year and a half. IMHO very good cables, but the Ridge Street cables just sounded sssoooooo much BETTER ! As they say: Try before you buy !
My system is all solid state and the Ridge Street Audio cables perform wonderfully. Lak said it very succintly:

exceptional realistic sound and dynamics, no harshness

I have two sets of MSE and had Robert make me two more. My moded 1200 will also be rigged with them things...

Sonic Genius, how come you only surface during these threads?
Dear Darrylhifi, I used the Stealth UR silver ribbons for awhile and found them to be exceptional with both tube and solid state amps. Considering the price I paid at auction they were the deal of the century for me. I recently sold them for about what I paid for them. My new speaker cables cost 10 times the amount of the Stealth UR's , that should give you some idea how good they are. The only concern I had with them was very infrequently I would pick up a stray radio signal from a nearby radio tower. So if you live near a large transmitter I would not use them. Dredster
Hi Darrylhifi, I stand firmly in the Ridge Street camp. I've ownd Robert's MSE gen11 series of IC's, speaker cables and digital cables for over 2 months now. These cables are outstanding in transmitting a balanced full range signal that will only be as bright as your system will allow it to be, they won't add or subtract anything. I find the Midnight Silver Series to be just the ticket to complement my Butler amps, Sunfire TG3 processor, and Odyssey Lorelei's. I especially like the MSE gen11 digital cables of which I own 2, a very dynamic eye opening experience. Regards, Robin
I truly believe in Robert and the Ridge Street products.
With that said I have one question for Psychicanimal; because the same people seem to post to Ridge Street product questions, does that make YOU, me and the others, Ridge Street CULT FOLLOWERS?
Best regards...