Worst remote nomination...

I wish to nominate the remote to my Wadia 861xi CDP as the worst of a large number of remotes I have lying around the house. The little buttons are irrationally located, have obscure labels, and need to be pushed just so to get them to work. On top of that, it practically takes a sniper scope to get it pointed so it will operate the player from just ten feet away. What were they thinking?

Sorry, just had to vent.

Anyone else have remotes they love to hate?
I also nominate the emm labs remote. It sucks ... small buttons, hard to read in low light and I am forever pressing the wrong buttons as it is not intuitive. The preamp input controls are limited to three buttons, which means you may still have to go and press the buttons on the DCC2. Also heavy and ugly.
Several years ago, I was shopping for a CDP and checked out Wadia. The salesman seemed to think that Wadia's 10 pound remote was the cat's meow and said that, when people picked it up, the sale was made. Not for me. If I had liked the sound of the player, I would have bought it in spite of the remote. Pretentious, silly, wasteful. And it didn't work very well.