turntable upgrade VPI or CLEARAUDIO?

I currently have a Well Tempered Classic V turntable with the graphite arm. I am running a Clearaudio Discovery cartridge into an Accoustec PH1P phono stage.

When playing records, I have the feeling that the Bass and transient attack is "muddy", or slow, and I seem to be missing the pace of the music. I have very good frequency responce, both low and high, but the detail is just not there.

My question is, is it better to look at a VPI TNT, or Clearaudio Reference turntable, to clean up the tempo and pace of my music? I know that I am looking at spending 4-5,000 dollars to make the upgrade(if I can locate a suitable used model here on agon) and I wonder if this would be money well spent.

For reference, here is my system:

Well Tempered Classic V turntable
Accoustec PH1P phono stage
Transparent Ultra Phono cable
Transparent Ultra XL cable, phono to preamp
Krell KAV 300i pre-amp
Transparent Ultra XL cable, preamp to amp
Krell KSA 250 amp
Transparent Super XL cable, amp to speakers
Hales REvelation 3 speakers

Thanks in advance, Brad
Before jumping into another turntable, check the speed of yours with a disk and strobe. Maybe all that is needed is a speed control devise. A record that is off in speed will exhibit the sounds you hear, also cables will impart the sounds you hear, you might try something different in the cable department before spending 5 or 5K.
The speed is something to check. Cart alignment to. Maybe a new drive belt? Does that table have a speed controller? If not, investigate that. It can have a profound effect.

As far as the cables, the Transparents are great. That isn't causing the muddy bass or slow transients. My opinion here. I use them (Ultra's and Ref XL)

Also, doesn't Well Tempered have a upgrade program? You might try stepping up in their line. From what I've read, that's a good table.
Another thing to try first is isolating the table with something like a Neuance or Sistrum platform under. Many here have been amazed by the improvement in bass clarity and speed from these devices. Cheers,
Dear Brad: What do you have before this analog gear? Do you already had the Discovery?.
I know well the Discovery and it does not works in the manner that you told, so the problem it is in other place.
I agree with Jfrech about the drive belt and cartridge alignment. The cart alignment it have to be exactly like the Clearaudio advise and the load impedance and VTF too.
About the TT you have to contact with Well Tempered, I agree too that you have a very good TT. Now, the other option is to change the tonearm, this can be important and makes a difference.
BTW, great audio system.
Regards and always enjoy the music.