EMC1 mk2 vs Cary 306/200...

I have a EMC1 mk2, and I am getting a Cary 306/200 to compare the two together. Has anyone heard the two? What are your thoughts on these two units?


Kieth, Have you done the comparison between the two players yet? What are the results? Thanks.
I would love to hear what you think after you listen to both, I currently own a EMC-1 MK2
Hi Tok20000, I have had both. For me it was an easy decision. I kept the EMC-1 and it wasn't the updated version. IMO the EMC-1 has better transparency, detail with tighter focus in the soundstage. Could be a bit too pristine for some. I liked the Cary very much but for me I much preferred the life and energy I got out of the EMC-1. The Cary will be a bit more relaxed for some with a bit less tension but I rather be thrilled than soothed. This is my opinion, you may see it differently. Best of luck to you.
Hi Ernie, how ya been?
Brulee. Nice to hear from ya. Wired my system's four components with new dedicated lines and PCs made from Belden 83802 and ACME junction boxes, and must say I certainly can sense improvements. I may be able to get the MkII DAC for the EMC at cost. Lemme know if you want one.
Happy channukah. Ern