EMC1 mk2 vs Cary 306/200...

I have a EMC1 mk2, and I am getting a Cary 306/200 to compare the two together. Has anyone heard the two? What are your thoughts on these two units?


Jm88439, I agree. I have not heard the EMC-1UP. However, the EMC-1UP is $5500+ retail. The Ayre is $2995.00 retail. I'd really hope the EMC-1UP is a better player than the Ayre CDP due to it's nearly double retail price.

I am not going to say the Ayre is for everyone. But, I will say that anyone looking to buy a CDP for under $6k should try to demo the Ayre. I would not even go so far as to say the Ayre is the 'best' player in the sub $3k category because I have not heard all the players. Frankly, with all the good press the GamuT CDP has been getting, I think it might be better in some ways than the Ayre CDP. But until I try the GamuT CDP, I am not going to make that judgement.

What I will say is that I have compared the Ayre CDP against CDP's & Transport/DAC combos that cost much more than the Ayre CDP (Cary 306/200, EMC 1 mk2, Ayre CDP/Dodson 217mk2, Ayre CDP/Dodson 217mk2 upgraded), and I think that the Ayre is better in many respects or at least is comperable (comperable, meaning both digital front ends have their plusses and minuses, and there is no clear consensus in my mind which is best).

Thus, I am just trying to get people to give the Ayre a demo before they drop $5k-8k on a digital source. If a person does not like it, I can respect their oppinion; however, I just want them to elaborate about what equipment they used to make that determination as well as why they did not like the Ayre CDP. I think I clearly indicate in my review and other posts both my equipment, and why I like the Ayre.

I actually may be hearing the Ayre in the next few weeks at a friend's. The Gamut, which I also auditioned, is another excellent sounding machine. I do believe the EMC-1 is a bit overpriced and I would not buy at retail. If you shop around, you shouldn't have to. The Ayre is certainly priced right if sonics are as good as I've heard. The EMC-1 however is built like a tank with one of the nicest transports I've encountered. If I ever decide to upgrade, I would consider using it as a transport with a killer dac.
Jm88439, I would love to hear your opinions of the Ayre vs. the GamuT (or the Ayre CDP in general). I think it is awesome you got to demo the GamuT, you should share your experience with us on the GamuT.

I do agree that the EMC-1 is built like a tank. So is the Cary 306/200. I got to crack my case of the Cary 306/200, and it was amazing. BUild quality was insane... now if only the sound quality was there.... Anyway, if aesthetics were everything, I would have stuck with the EMC-1 mk2. I love the looks of that player. It is the coolest looking CDP I have ever had. The Cary on the other hand looks pretty pathetic, and the display of the Cary was horrendous. The Ayre itself is pretty nice in the aesthetics department. If the EMC-1 mk2 represents a 10 on the aesthetics meter, I'd say the Ayre is an 8.5 and the Cary is a 1. The Ayre has simplistic and elegant design written all over it. The display of the Ayre reminds me of the EMC-1 mk2. The blue lights on the Ayre are perfect like the EMC-1 mk2 blue lights.

Build quality of the Ayre is not quite the same as the EMC-1 mk2 or the Cary 306/200. Ayre does use a CD transport in the CX-7 CDP. Some people might be put off by this... But I have compared the Ayre CX-7 to a Mark Levinson transport, and the Ayre really does better or hold its own vs. the Levinson. The Levinson could be slightly better... but hey, the Levinson retails at $5k, and for $5k+ it should be better as a transport.

I am not so much concerned with build quality as sound quality. One thing about the Ayre is Ayre offers a 2 year warranty (if I remember correctly) on their transport mechanism, and a 5 year warranty on their electronics. This warranty I know surpasses Cary Audio's warranty. And I am pretty sure it surpasses EC warranties as well. Cary only warrants digital pieces for 1 year. What is up with that? One year warranty on a $5k item.... An item that is built like a tank no less...

Anyway, I look forward to your comments Jm88439.