Record Cleaning Machines

That's my experience I would like to share, probably the one or the other will benefit:
As a long time VPI 16.5 user, I always thought, the real important thing is the vacuum.
Cleaning fluid needs some time on the record to get into the grooves, helped by scrubbing.
And when 1 wash is not enough, ok, then another one ...

Now I got a Keith Monks RCM and I simply could not believe how much better that one is.
The vacuum with the string, which sucks every grrove is so much better it is hard to describe. No joke, I used records I cleaned* 5x times with my VPI and still had some noise, now it's gone. And, the fluid after the cleaning is DARK.
The improvement in dynamics was not subtle ...
I think, the Keith Monks is rare, really rare and there is another one, which I think is really interesting, it is based on the same system.
The Loricraft.
A excellent choice, too.

Happy listening.

* L'Art du Son
Yes, the Loricraft does work on the same thread principle as the KM. The original concept came from an editor at 'Gramophone' magazine back in the 1960's.

The LC also outcleans a VPI, much as you described for your KM. I believe your KM is even better though. Isn't your thread mechanically pulled through the waste tube? The Loricraft doesn't do that. With a Loricraft you have to give the spool a little twist after each vacuum sweep to help the vacuum pull the thread along.

Nice acquisition. The improvement in lowered noise floor with this vacuuming system is very noticeable, as is the ability to get ramped lead-in grooves cleaner.
Yes, I believe you guys! I have the VPI 16.5 & I think that it is average. I've had it for over 2 yrs now & cleaning 2nd-hand LPs is a royal PITA with this machine. Sometimes 5 times is not enough! I give up & just listen with the pops, crackles & tics! :-(

I probably need to change my RCF too. Right now I use a home concoction of 91% alcohol, bottled water & Dawn dish cleaning liquid. I also use the VPI RCF. My plan is to switch to either Disc Doctor or RRL for phase 1 & to Orbitrac for phase 2.
Hey Thomas. Doug, you knew I'd chime in here. My experiences with the Loricraft were identical to yours and Thomas' and I too had the VPI 16.5 for years. It still amazes me how much of a difference it makes.