Audioquest Cheetah- Anyone?

Just curious as to any feedback from you guys regarding the Audioquest Cheetah cables.

..They employ Audioquest's "DBS" system for charging the dielectric, and they earned a good mention in a recent audio rag (if that means anything).

Any feedback?

I auditioned them in my home and my impression is that the DBS system may help shorten break-in and hold the dielectric for systems used infrequently, but, that it does not do anything for the sound otherwise. As far as the cables themselves, they sounded OK to me - not special.
Haven't heard them directly, but from what I've heard, it echoes Jkphoto's comments.

If you want to try a "charged dialectric" cable, I'd recommend Aural Thrills right here on Audiogon (userid billardhockey). His Force cable, available with Copper, Silver, or Gold Alloy wire, is most probably a lot better than the similar-priced AQ cable, and it sounds fantastic. I got the silver wire Force, then upgraded to the gold alloy.

The cable uses the chassis of the source and destination component; a third "ground" wire is attached to each. It isn't mandatory to connect it, but when I did, the music sprang from an absolutely quiet background; it was almost spooky when i first heard it !

Anyways, no affiliation with Aural Thrills, just a satisfied customer - about 10 times over !

My 2 cents.

Todd - chams_uk
I have the cable in my system pre to power, phono stage to pre, cd to pre. Chams_uk if you havent heard them how can you echoe other comments? Absolutely the best interconnect I have used. Not sure what Jkphoto was listening to but just to see the difference disconnect the battery.

The sounstage shrinks, the sound is less focused and less dimensional. It isnt just for breaking in the cable. By saturating the dielectric with DC it allows the signal to flow more freely without getting absorbed by the dielectric. IT WORKS. On top of the that lets not forget the basics; teflon air tubes and the Purfect Surface Silver conductor. The wire is drawn in a low oxygen /high nitrogen environment which minimizes imperfections in the metal. Also typical AQ welded RCA connections (not soldered). Smooth and detailed without ANY hard edges. Check out latest TAS. Golden Ear Award winner. They are right on.
I had mentioned "from what I've heard" - to clarify, it's what I've heard ABOUT them. From someone I know who tried them, and one other, who's comments I read online (I think on Audio Asylum, not sure though).

So the info is not first hand, admittedly, but represent two opinions of those who HAVE heard it, and basically concurred with what Jkphoto had to say: nice, quiet, no perceived huge break-in, but not worth the money they cost.

Sorry, I should have clarified more, I realize my comment reads funny....