Audioquest Cheetah- Anyone?

Just curious as to any feedback from you guys regarding the Audioquest Cheetah cables.

..They employ Audioquest's "DBS" system for charging the dielectric, and they earned a good mention in a recent audio rag (if that means anything).

Any feedback?

I purchased a pair of Cheetah RCA, after taking my old pair of Silver Interconnects to the dealer for a sound comparison.

Obviously the Cheetah's were superior, so I purchased a pair.

Note, with the Battery plugged in the sound is a little warmer with a slightly more air. Without the battery, the sound is a little more detailed, but with slightly less air. It's difficult to pick the difference unless one has a very revealing system.

Hope that helps
I am now 100% Audioquest Cheetah with 48v, and Audioquest Pike's Peak 72v DBS. Well my subwoofer is running on Panther 48v from my source to my pre-amp, but the rest is Cheetahs.

I have never heard cleaner highs, better midranges and voices having terrific clear and bodied (meaning that the voices sound natural and coming from a human body) sound out of my system.

I've tried in camparison Nordost SPMs, Taralabs Air and "The" series (loved "THE 1"s, but they were a bit overly dark and warm) and old audioquest lines (Minerals, again very dark and no high ranges). Among those; the Nordost SPMs came to the top of all of them in camparisons..and while I liked their sound in a friend's Tube unit, the SPMs lost to the audioquest in my system. SPMs were just hissy, tinny and unreal in my Solid State.

The DBS cables seem absolutely neutral, your mileage however may vary...

Linn Unidisk (Universal Source)
Linn Kisto (Pre-Amp)
Linn LK-140 (3) (Amps)
Linn 5140 (Main Speakers)
Linn 5120 (Center and rear Speakers).
Linn Pekin (radio Tuner)
Platinum Power-1 (power conditioner)
Hi Greybard, did you add or upgrade the Cheetah to 48VDC or AQ has a new Cheetach with 48 VDC? Have you compared the Cheetah to Cardas Golden Ref or HT Magic one? Thanks.
I upgraded to 48v, Audioquest themselves are up to 36 but offer an upgrade kit for 48.

Never compared to Cardas or HT.