LP collection management...what do you guys do?

I have a dilemma.....

My collection is quite modest compared with some other here, but the quality is usually pretty good...I think I must be about 700 or more LP's mainly classical.

I have numerous RCA shaded dogs, Mercury Living Presence, and MFSL for example, that I just dont listen to..I originally bought them because of sentimental reasons and collectability.

Now that I want to wonder into other labels like Linn, Lyrita, UK Columbia SAX, Super Analogue and Reference Recordings which are kind of expensive, I find myself spinning my wheels if I should sell most of my Living Stereo/Presence LP's to buy some other stuff...

You know when it makes good sense to sell some LP's but in the back of your mind something tells me not to...I guess its their historical value that I appreciate more..

How do you guys manage your collection? dont you feel like selling tah stuff that sits on the shelf for long periods of time?
I use a computer database because its cheap & has other uses. Another alternative I've been exploring recently is an off-the-shelf program called Music Collectorz. See http://www.collectorz.com/
I wrote my own in Microsoft Access. I primarily collect Jazz. If I were doing Classical mostly I would do it differently because I would want to know composer, conductor, symphony/orchestra, soloists, etc. Classical is much more difficult to keep track of. I basically use a lame method there of Composer, if that's what the album is primarily focused on, or conductor/symphony/soloist if that's the focus. For some that's not so straight forward, but for me there is a reason I bought the disc and that's how I catagorize it.

On another note, how many people do you know that sort their albums alphabetically by FIRST name? I have found many people that do this, and I can't figure out why. I guess I'm too used to phone books, look up by last name first right?
I pay a librarian to catalogue them for me every few years. First time cost me lobster and champagne, or about $100. Then I married her. Now it costs a whole lot more.