DAC recommendations

I am thinking about adding an outboard DAC and using my CAL CL-10 as a transport due to high WAF. I would like to get an appreciable step up from the onboard DACs and would prefer one with balanced output since I am running out of single ended inputs on my pre. Associated components are:
DNA O.5 Rev. B
Vandersteen 2ci

As always, trying to keep this on a budget (preferably $500 +/- but would consider more if significant increase in performance. I have been considering Muse Model 2, Meitner BiDat among others. CL-10 has ST glass, co-ax and AES/EBU digital outputs. Would prefer HDCD also. Mostly listen to acoustic music and vocalists, with some rock, blues, etc. Any thoughts?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xswampwalker
There was a member selling a AN 1.2 ($1.3K), a much more expensive Meitner DAC ($3.8K) and an EVS Millennium II ($1050). After speaking to him, he told me that the Millennium II from EVS was the best of the three. He is now looking at a DAC that costs appr $6K to replace it.

As to the AN kit, it is supposedly a good place to start IF you substitute higher grade parts as you build. I've been told this by several different people that have done so with excellent results. I checked into this unit as i too was considering purchasing one. Sean
Dekay interesting commentary regarding sonic enhancement of transport depending upon isolation product in use - makes sense though.
Question: does an upgrade AC cord also improve sonics of a standalone transport? I wouldn't think so (stock cord should do the trick?) but I don't know & my CD is one-box so I can't try it myself to find out. Thanks
I have a Cal Labs CLD-10 paired with an EVS Millennium DAC II. Very dynamic, very revealing. Makes music sound REAL.
Forget a dac ,sell any digital source you own and find an Aloia cd player.It is the new reference for playback period.I sat for 3 hours yesterday in utter amazement.I have never been so shocked by a component in my 20 years of audio.It surpassed all other front ends including my 20,000.00 turntable.My reference system is about 150,000 us dollars and I never dreamed a single component could make this much difference.Piano sounds exactly like the instrument with the ability to hear all the harmonics with the right timber.The day before I was listining to my sacd player and thinking this is not at all the way a piano sounds and didn't expect cd could ever sound right.How wrong I was.Don't miss this amazing product.

Where to find the Aloia cd player? How much does it cost? And, have you listened to the Spectral SDR 2000 and SDR 3000 combo. I am very surprised to almost never see mention of this unit. Thanks. Lhegie.