Fav Consecutive Albums by An Artist

There are periods where an artist or a group reach a creative peak and release a series of consecutive albums that are all masterpieces. These are an artists' Golden Age. Just curious, but what do you consider the golden age records of your favorite artists. Must be consecutive and "Greatest Hits" not allowed.

My fav is Stevie Wonder from:

Music of the Mind
Talking Book
Forfillingness First Finale
Songs In the Key of Life

Five incredible albums in four years.
Onhwy61, in that case please accept my apologies. Sometimes I'm a little dense. Great thread!
One would have to forward Miles Davis, but it would be more like 25 albums in a row, not five. Not enough room here to list them all.
How about Weather Report:
Tale Spinning
Mysterous Traveler
Black Market
Heavy Weather
Wholeheartedly agree with comments made on Gabriel, Crimson, Clash, Heads, Miles....

Here are two I'll submit:

Radiohead -

The Bends
OK Computer
Kid A


Oranges & Lemons
Apple Venus Pt.1
Absolutely agree with Zeppelin. For King Crimson, did Islands precede Larks Tongue? If so, I would add that to the list. For Little Feat, I would include Time Loves a Hero. I would add Pink Floyd (everything from Meddle through Division Bell) and the Moody Blues (who really had quite the run (Days of Future Passed, In Search of the Lost Chord, On the Threshold of a Dream, Seventh Sojourn, Every Good Boy Deserves Favor, Question of Balance -- not in order). Finally, the first two Santana albums were fantastic -- Santana and Abraxas. Good thread -- I'll have to check out Wire.