A warm and rich sounding power cord

Hi,I am looking for a warm and rich sounding power cord from the wall to the p600 powerplant.Can anybody suggest one around $200 used.
Any Teflon dielectric insulation cable, like the Belden 83800 series and CVH's mod of it) are NOT going to sound "warm". Far from it. Their appeal is a VERY clean and extended, linear top octave, which is NOT what the threadhead is requesting.
A decent OE 14AWG using cheaper dielectric may offer a warmer balance.
Eagle, given your criticisms of the 83800 series just a few weeks ago, and now your glowing acceptance of Chris' clone, I have to wonder why you're shilling here? Sorry if I'm mistaken, but....
The Cardas Golden is a good choice for a rolled top end.
I saw Eagle's posts, and don't believe he criticized the 83800 series cords' sound. He was questioning your recommendation of using the wire for house-wiring. Eagle did some research (possibly HELPING you avoid a potential lawsuit), and now you throw it back in his face?

Calling someone a "shill" because they happen to prefer my new wire over the 83803 speaks more to your motivations than his, IMHO.

Labeling my new wire as a clone is also incorrect. I would refer you to Webster's definition of "clone": "one that appears to be a copy of an original form". Clearly, my new wire is not a copy of the 83802, as there are several significant differences that I have clearly laid out, and other differences which I did not disclose.

Your innuendos, subterfuge, and looseness with your facts are more transparent than you might think, IMHO.
Jitmingl, I didn't want my suggestion of the VH Audio cords to cause your thread to be hijacked. I was mainly seconding the suggestion of Amandarae to try them because of my good recent experience.

I have seen it mentioned more than once here to not try to correct system problems with cables. If you have a bright sounding system there might be a better way to correct it than with a power cord. What component/s does your P600 feed?
It was also a good suggestion above to try a Cardas Golden and you should consider a Synergistic Research A/C Master Coupler as well.
Try a PS Audio Lab, you can pick them up for around $225 used and they work great with power plants.Dont try to change sound with power cords or any wire. If you are looking for this you may consider changing componets then work on wires! Good Luck
>>>Dont try to change sound with power cords or any wire. >>>If you are looking for this you may consider changing >>>componets then work on wires! Good Luck

I agree wholeheartedly. If people spent most of their money upgrading components instead of spending big dollars on cables to mask fundamental flaws in their system, people would be significantly happier in the long-run, IMHO.