What cables would you recommend?

I have a Wadia 850 i'm running direct into a Classe CA200 and a pair of Thiel 3.6s(I also have Maggie 2.7QR and ML Aerius, which i alternate). I'll be inserting a tube preamp(probably AR LS2B Mk.II or BAT VK3i) in the future. Right now I have Cardas Cross XLRs from the cd player to the amp and PAD Elementa speaker cables. I'm thinking of going Cardas exclusively. What are your thoughts? Thanks for any inputs you may have.
I'm going to take a wild guess and assume your goal is to improve the sonics of your system.

I've had excellent experience with the Pure Note Epsilon Reference XLR ic's and Audience Au24 speaker cables and 6inch jumpers.

Both are very reasonably priced when compared to the majority of cables mentioned. Yet the PN ic's and Au24 sc's have been stated by some in these parts to be better than the Valhallas.

I have not personally made that comparison, but I will say that the Au24 sc's have made the biggest sonic improvements of any ic or sc I've demo'ed or owned in my system. And by a wide margin.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and assume your goal is to improve the sonics of your system."

Take the bucket off your head.

Glad you remember my moniker,
Sonoran plateau from star sound. I have excellent results. I understand the acoustic zens are very good but have no personal experience. Check audiopoints.com.
Think of LAT International. I switched over to them entirely, for much less money than Cardas, and found that the most enthusiastic reviews on LAT-cables on audioreview.com are true. My system - Audionet Art V2 CD-transport, Chord DAC-64, McIntosh C200 preamp, Mc-power amp, and Shahinian Diapason speakers for the first time sounds as amazing as I always thought it should. Search the archives here as well.