Copying DVDs?

I have recently gotten a spate of email spam from people claiming to sell software (or something) that allows me to copy DVD (movies, presumably) onto my CD burner, then play them back in my DVD player.

Is anyone aware of this? Is it something that can be done anyway with no special software? What are the downsides?

- Eric
I purchased one of those programs to copy dvd's on a cdr, I have had this for a month now and have yet to try it. The reason? it's not just one simple program like your average burner program, you have to copy this file, copy that file, use this program, use that program etc etc, in other words a royal pain in the A##. And from what I gather what you come out with is not a dvd , but a cvd (computer video disk) which may or may not work in your dvd player. My advice, save your money. The price for dvd burners is dropping all the time. Just my opinion. TG
Gboren- not trying to split hairs, but I believe that's only true (fair use) if you own the DVD/CD/LP. Since you can't be in two places at once, its fair use if you make a copy for backup, archival, convenience purposes. If you copy software that you didn't pay for, or if you use it at two different locations simultaneously, I don't think that would be fair use. That's my story and I'm sticking to it ;~).
Swampwalker - Your fine tuning of the fair use rule is correct as I understand it!
What we have here is DivX or MP 4 technology. It works well but be need to be quite good with computers to use it. DivX is free by the way and can be seen at Also, if your home dvd player playes cdv it works.
This has been stated already but needs to be repeated. It is obvious that people do not understand their rights. You can copy anything for personal use. You can not copy anything for profit!

So photocopy, lp copy, cd copy or dvd copy. Just don't rip others off.

Also, in case you are unaware it is also legal to tape concerts as long as the venue or artist has not disclaimed it in advance.

Don't take away more of our rights before big brother or the corporation do!