Upgrade my Turntable????

I just purchased a new ZYX Airy 3 from Mehran aka Sorasound and am completely blown away at the difference between it and my Grado Statement Ref. (which was by no means a slouch). I am hearing much more of everything: resolution, extension, tonal color, dynamics, etc. etc. I cannot recommend this cartridge enough.

I currently have it mated to a VPI Aries/JMW 10, and I am wondering how much of an improvement a higher end (see more expensive) TT might make. Would a VPI/HRX, or a Teres 340 be a huge improvement or am I very solidly at the point of diminishing returns with my Aries? As you all know it is next to impossible to audition anything analog in your system before buying, so any advise is appreciated.

If I might add an adendumn to my question; I wonder if anyone has compared the top TT's from the larger companies like VPI and Basis to the Teres products. I sure would like to go for the Teres if they are as good as some people say (and if I ever get that kind of dough) but worry about a small company eventually going under and leaving me with an unserviceable product.

Thanks in advance

You'll get stronger dynamics with an Airy 3 than an Airy 2, especially on an SME IV. Unless your system is exceptionally dynamic or your room is very lively I'd consider the next step up.

If the Airy 2 is your budgetary limit you could get one of Mehran's demo Airy 3's for about the same as a new Airy 2. That would be my choice, FWIW. I know for certain he has an Airy 3-X-SB with <80 hours on it, and will offer a prorated warranty.

Thanks for the info. I haven't heard any ZYX at all and this is going to be my first time.

I heard the 2 was warmer than 3,so i went with it.

I might consider the Universe if i like the 2.
I heard the 2 was warmer than 3,so i went with it.
I'd say "smoother", if that's the opposite of "livelier". Both are tonally neutral, neither warm nor cool.

I expect you'll love it, but if it doesn't quite "boogie" enough for your tastes both the Airy 3 and UNIverse would resolve that deficiency.

The UNIverse shocked me again last night. After 15 weeks it still does that regularly. Even records I've played with it before sound new with repeated plays. I'm going to hear it next to a couple of $10K+ cartridges soon. It will be interesting to see if the "lowly" $5K ZYX can hold its own.
A very nice upgrade IMHO is the aries 2 platter so you can get the record hold down ring.
Once you get used to the needle actually riding on a flat surface it is pretty addictive and you wonder why it took so long for people to come up with it.
You also can run without any damping oil with the ring in place and that has been suggested to improve prt a bit.
I can't give you a before and after comparison as I went to a different cart. at the same time that I changed platter and hold down clamp and got the ring and dumped the damping oil. FWIW, me happy.
Good luck.
Thanks for all of the advise guy's. It was through reading a lot of your posts here that I was able to sift through all of the cartridge issues. I am really enjoying my TT so I know I should just sit back and enjoy........... still, one can't help but wonder sometimes.
