I'm Very SCARED - Please advise, Cartridge Drop

I'm setting up a brand new Benz Ace Medium on a P3. As I was trying to measure Tracking Force on a digital scale I dropped (finger slipped off the "finger handle") the tonearm (stylus) onto the glass platter and the tonearm bounced up and down a couple of times.

Any cause for concern? The cart looks okay but I'm a little worried about "Pre-mature" wear on the cartridge's suspension.

I don't know much about design and was looking for a little re-assurment my new cart will still last its expected lifespan. So can cartridges handle this kind of abuse once in a while?

Thanks guys,
I wasn't going to admit it, but I've done it too. Thanks to the Audio Gods it was "only" a 103r. I'd shoot myself for 5 large!
I munch a cartridge before and it is the worste feeling. So I understand your consern, but it will last just fine.

Some additional advice based on my own near fiasco: never, ever, wear one of those sweaters with baggy sleeves while mucking about with your table while arm/cartridge is attached. I was checking my interconnects one night, and the arm/cartridge assembly somehow went up my sleeve. Needless to say I very nearly ripped the arm from the armboard - that would have been a shame.
I've knocked the cantilever off 2 cartridges,tore out the wire on 1 tonearm,knocked a pin off a pricey Telefunken tube,shattered a Oracle record clamp (I used a vice to try to get out a slight warp)blew up my TV (hooked a vintage integrated tube amp up to its audio outs) burned my bare foot on the top plate of a "smokin'" Pass Aleph-3
Im sure there's more.
Tom is very correct,its a sick feeling!