To Loricraft users

After much consideration and I decided to take the plunge and now I'm a proud owner of a PRC 2.5, and have a couple of questions for those of you who have lived with your machines for a while.

a) Did any one experience the crumbling bottle syndrome? The plastic bottle that came with my unit folded from the pressure of the suction. I hooked it up to the side of the machine with the hook supplied, but after 2-3 days use, the bottle gave way.

b) It is possible to clean the LP on both sides (inside-out, and outside-in). Has anyone compared both methods and found either method more effective?

c) How many drops of cleaning solution do you use for each side? I've found that about 8-10 drops is sufficient and does not leave any droplets on the plinth even with the high speed platter revolution.

d) Does anyone else use 0g tracking force?
Hi Cmk,

Your experience beats my theory any day. I'll try lighter VTF myself, thanks. Hmmm, I wonder if -.5g would work!

The glass jar I got was like the ones used for canning tomatoes and fruit. I'll wager you could find one of those for next to nothing and transfer the hose fittings pretty easily. Nalgene would also be strong enough of course.
Actually, the original glass jar was a mayonase jar that they thought was a proper size. I would use glass, but you will have to do some work on the cap, of course.

I thought the pull was to draw the arm outward. How can you use it from the outside inward?

I found that 0 tracking force gives me the best vacuuming. The vacuum does draw it to the record surface.

I use an atomiser to spray cleaning fluid on. I use the new AudioTop fluid.

This unit works better and more reliably than the Keith Monks that I once owned.
Tbg, as a happy and experienced AudioTop user, would you be willing to help me understand where I may have gone wrong with it? My experience with it, while by no means bad, has not been quite as wonderful as yours. This may have to do with the fact that I am playing my records on a not quite so fabulous turntable (Rega P3) or with the fact that I am using the Vinyl 1 all by itself (unable as I am to talk myself into paying $350 for the whole system) or perhaps with the fact that, with Vinyl 1 running $150 a bottle, I can't quite bring myself to use it as lavishly as perhaps it needs to be used--and as it is quite volatile, it does seem to want to be used *very* lavishly. Although the directions call for it to be left on the record surface for a couple of minutes, unless I spill quite a bit on--and by quite a bit I mean two or three times as much as I would use of an RRL fluid--it evaporates before its soaking time is up. Because of its volatility too I refrain from scrubbing with DD brushes--too much surface area for the fluid to evaporate from--but try to get by with LAST brushes instead. Even so, given the time it takes for the Loricraft head to traverse the radius of the record, I am not always sure there is significant fluid to be vacuumed up by the time the head reaches the record's periphery and fear that the fluid has largely evaporated, leaving its load of too briefly dissolved junk behind.

Does any of this correspond to your experience at all? And how ever in the world do you manage to use the AudioTop in an atomiser without having it all evaporate before it hits the record?

Yes, Vinyl1 is volatile. Vinyl2 is much more volatile, however. Are you speaking of Vinyl1, the cleaner? I have found 8 spritzes will allow me to use the brush and go around perhaps ten times. I use an old Optrix bottle for this. I do not pay attention to the leave on 3 minute routine for the reason you say. Also I gave up on the DD brushes for the reason you say. I do use the nylon brush provided.

I too worry about the lead in grooves, but I have found that I can see that liquid is being removed by the vacuum to the edge.

Perhaps having greater humidity in Texas explains my having less problem with evaporation.

I must say, also, that the Vinyl2 adds significantly to extracting the music most fully.

Too bad this stuff is so damn expensive. It far surpasses anything else I have tried.