Anyone heard of Soundstring cable?

I am very interested in this product has anyone heard the i/c's and speaker cable? They had a great review from an audio magazine.
i heard the soundstring cables in 2 rooms at the ces show in 2 alon systems. alons are pretty revealing speakers and show all.

the sound was pretty incredible...worth investigating and auditioning.

best regards,

I own one of their powercords. Since I feel that cables of all sorts are very system dependant, I would prefer not to comment here. If you want to email me with questions, I will do my best to answer.

I put recently (2 months ago) Soundstring cables on some of my gears:
I find these cables smooth with details, not harsh, the sound is accurate,dynamic and warm, voices are very good to listen,cymbals and guitars too.
Ics XLR between Krell SBP-64X processor and McIntosh C40 preamp, power cord on McIntosh Mc300 amp, speaker cable for B&W801 S3.
Soundstring speaker cable replace the Audioquest Volcano, Ics replace the AQ Python and power cord took place of the Synergistic Research Master coupler itself replacing NBS Signature.
It is not common that a brand is good for Ic,Speaker cable and Power cord like this. Unfortunately, unknown by most of the audiophiles. I had these cables for a try ; visually they are not very attractive but after listening I decide to keep them .