Is there high output MC that can compete/beat ...

my Grado Reference Sonata? I'm looking to stay in the same $ ballpark, $250-300 used, and wondering if high output MC can improve on the Sonata's sound? Perhaps keep the warmth and rhythm while adding a bit more detail? It's mounted on a Thorens TD-320, with Cayin TA-30 amp, and GMA Callistos. Thanks all.
Sonata is a very good cartridge, 10x5 is absolutely not going to beat it. You need to do better that that. If talking Dynavector you need to get into at least 20X, but I personally don't like its hight output version, low output sounds much sweeter.
I am not sure moving into high output MC makes sense for you at this point. Low output is where you get real differense.
Don't forget, you have a very decent cartridge now.
Benz now has a Ebony LP it claims to be the best high output moving coil in the world. better be for 2 grand.
For what it's worth, I just sold my Dynavector 10x5 on Audiogon a few weeks ago. It came with my VPI when I got it last year. Everything said above is true (detailed, warm, great extension in highs and bass). But I still prefer the sound of the high-end Grado's myself. Recently I've been trying the MusicMaker-III, which is basically a hot-rodded Grado. I like it a lot, much more than I liked the Dynavector. To me, it sounds more natural. I don't spend as much time noticing the sound ("wow, those high's are incredible") but rather I find the music itself more compelling. I have no idea what makes it do that, but I LIKE it!

Just my $.02 YMMV
