effective mass of rb300 with hvywght, , Lyra clavi

I bought a used Rega Planar3 with an rb300 arm, and I am searching for a cartridge for it. The arm is has the express Machining Heavyweight counterweight upgrade, and I am curious how that effects the effective mass of the rb300, which is 13 grams without the counterweight upgrade.
I am also thinking about picking up a slightly used Lyra Clavis from my dealer; any opinions on that cartridge? I believe it isn't the Evolve99, just the Clavis da Capo. The other option I have been looking at is a Benz Micro Ace (the medium output version), or possibly one of the Shelters.

Associated equipment:
Rega Planar 3, with rb300 tonearm
BAT VK 3iX Preamp with phono card
BAT VK 220 amp
Gallo Nuclear reference 3 speakers
Kimber KCAG interconnects
Kimber 4tc speaker wire
I believe that the RB300 is actually about 11 grams effective mass.

I think that the standard RB300 will work fine with the Lyra, or the Benz, and would need a bit of additional mass for the Shelter. Some people use the DIY HiFi mod to very good effect for this.
Dear friend: You can do better through a Sumiko Celebration, this one is an exllent cartridge and hard to beat for less than 3K.

You can find one of this cartridge here in the classifieds for only 800.00. Don't miss it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for the responses; I am still wondering about the effect of the heavy counterweight on the effective mass of the tonearm. Does anyone have any idea of the change with this?