Pure Note Cerulean

I am trying a pair of xlr interconnects and have found them to be terrific. Bested transparent ultras I was using.
Has anyone tried the speaker cables. How long does Pure Note generally have their new products on sale? Do I need to rush? Thanks
Audiofankj: I have NO affiliation with Pure Note. I am a big supporter and have been a beta test customer (invited). To be quite frank, I would never want to be an audio merchant since there is no real money in it. It is far more fun to enjoy the music.
Why do you say that Sonic_genius is affiliated with Pure Note? He says he isn't.................
Like sonic, I too have been very pro Pure Note. I too have no affiliation with them other that having tested and then buying a lot of their power cords for all of my Krell gear. The improvement was not subtle.

Just an observation anyone can make. Under each post, your moniker, which is underlined is a link to your email... next to that you can click on a link that says "threads" or "answers"... if you click on Drrdiamond's for example you will see...

Amps Preamps (99)

Speakers (86)

Digital (49)

Cables (45)

Misc (40)

these above counts were as of today of course, but one can make an educated guess that the person is reading/posting as well as helping/advising/asking in all of the above threads.

When you look at Sonic_genius' answers you see:

Speakers (1)

Cables (174)

That is it. It is POSSIBLE he is just another audiophile like us and knows all there is to know about speakers, amps, preamps, music, etc. and only has interest in cables, however that seems very unlikely to most of us that use the boards. At least to me anyone that has enough time to post 174 times on cables, would never have a question or answer regarding gear? No advice on amps, preamps, digital, etc. YET has 174 views on cables alone? Manufacturer or close friend, etc. is the writing on the wall that I see.

Perhaps I am wrong. Seems odd to be so "one dimensional" on this board is all...
Ahh... one last note under the Sonic_genius account, other than just 174 posts on cables, he/she also has three reviews posted for Pure Note... another coincidence I am sure. No, you detect no skepticism on my part.

I am sure the Pure Notes are good cables, as I have heard that from many. Just seems to send up a red flag when I notice an account that is only active to "glorify Pure Note cables" and basically nothing else.

Happy listening.