Pure Note Cerulean

I am trying a pair of xlr interconnects and have found them to be terrific. Bested transparent ultras I was using.
Has anyone tried the speaker cables. How long does Pure Note generally have their new products on sale? Do I need to rush? Thanks
Audiofankj: Tired of you being the "Audiogon police" especially for suggesting that I work for Pure Note. I have forwarded your posts to my attorney for his comments.
rch10, you asked "Why did you not pay by credit card?" International customers often do not do it because you may need to produce proof of payment to customs of even the postal system. With a bank transfer, I can get proof of the transfer from my bank within a few hours in writing. If a business does not give the coordinates of its bank account, I for one do not see what the account is good for in the first place. But this is not what I did not like about Pure Note´s reaction. I did not like not receiving an answer, even an answer they would not like to do business with me, after sending, and re-sending, half a dozen e-mails in ten days. In my view, this is bad manners, that´s why I posted about it.
turning to Robert of Ridge Street Audio is exactly what I did. I have been very pleased with his quick answers and the way he treats even a terrorist-suspect German customer. So we are just about to fix a deal
Hassel: I will say this. I called my bank manager about the wire transfer "risk." He did confirm that it is a risk and did not recommend giving out bank routing numbers and account info. So, if Pure Note chose not to do this it is their right but it is not fair for you to trash them.
Tom at Pure Note is one of the best people in high-end audio to deal with! Remember, he has the right, and responsibility to run his business the way he feels is honest and safe.

Your not buying (or trying) his product, is more your loss than his.
