Power Cord upgrade for Sim Audio Titan amp???

Looking to upgrade the stock cord on my Sim Audio Titan amp. It is a very detailed, neutral and transparent amp. Not looking to change the sonic signature. Just get the most I can from this monster amp. Tough to audition 20A power cords so any opinions would be appreciated.
Just finished auditioning the Nite II on the amp and I'm sorry to say that I'm returning it. It had an incredibly low noise floor, deeper bass and pinpoint imaging. Unfortunately it also seemed to make the vocals a little lean in comparison. Didn't have the air/weight in the notes. Sounded more analytical and less musical.

Anyone have any experience with VH Flavor 4, Silent Source or Elrods. Looking to hear how these cords affect the sound so I can see how they will work with the Sim Audio Titan amp. thanks
I use Shunyata Taipan on my Sim Audio W5. IMS it doesn't alter the character of the amp, just delivers the high current when it is called for. You might want to give it a try.