Brightness Differences Between Daytime and Evening

Hey everybody, I've just noticed something really logical but shocking today! My system is really bright during the daytime, but from around 7 and on it is so smooth and relaxing.. This is an AC problem I am guessing. It seems to be the only variable that changes, so that must be it. Another variable is ME, my mood during the day is different. I'm less relaxed and I've got more stuff running around in my brain. Just wanted to know what you think: Is it more ME or the AC that is contributing to the brightness during daytime hours. Let the games begin!
Buckingham, if you get the chance, take a listen to your system in the wee hours of the morning. I am talking about the time that most people are sleeping i.e. 12 - 1 at night and up to about 6 AM or so. I can literally hear an abrupt change every night at somewhere between 12:30 and 2 AM when listening. I can be concentrating on something else ( like the puter ) and the difference is startling enough that it stops me from what i am doing to take notice of it. It is almost like a veil has been lifted and the music becomes far more transparent, liquid and effortless. I wish that i could get these results ALL the time.... Sean
Pick up a couple of those Blue Circle BC-86 Noise Hounds and you will come pretty close to getting early AM sound all the time. Two are better than one.
The other costly alternative is to get a Burmester line conditioner. It goes for about $6K, but it is their most sought after product (over their other gear). I was blown away when I borrowed one for a weekend... I also live in an area with pretty "dirty" power.