Brightness Differences Between Daytime and Evening

Hey everybody, I've just noticed something really logical but shocking today! My system is really bright during the daytime, but from around 7 and on it is so smooth and relaxing.. This is an AC problem I am guessing. It seems to be the only variable that changes, so that must be it. Another variable is ME, my mood during the day is different. I'm less relaxed and I've got more stuff running around in my brain. Just wanted to know what you think: Is it more ME or the AC that is contributing to the brightness during daytime hours. Let the games begin!
Maybe your mood when you are listening is the culprit. I know that sometimes when I have a lot on my mind I can not concentrate on my music and I do not enjoy it as much.
Your system sounds better late at night because there is less use of electricity in your house, and your neighbor's, therefore less interference in the lines.
Dan: What you describe "dull" is still the AC power. It is the problem I had on my old house. It is where I first got introduced to power conditioning a few years ago.
You may want to start with speaker placement and room accoustics. What is your room like? Thick carpeting, heavy curtains and soft furniture will suck up the sound.

My problem way back when was bloated bass making everything dull. Cleaning up the power and adding better power cords solved it for me.