Audiomeca Mephisto II problem with copied CD's

For those who has intimate knowledge on the Audiomeca Mephisto II CD player, please share your experience on this. When I played the copied CD on the Mephisto II, it would play from one song to the next OK. But when I press Next button on the player (or on the remote control), the player seems to start searching and a few seconds later, it would stop and the display shows 0:00 and I would have to open and close the lid to reset the player. This does not happen on the original CD (at least for now). Also, when the lid is open, is the laser still active (on)? If it does, this could pose a health hazard to the eye, don't you think? Please help...
Dear Pacrat

Sorry I didn't see the post sooner. Opening the lid on the II (I can't say for the IIx) does not cause problems. Just don't touch the lid (ie try to open or close it when you are playing it). With regards to cleaning, I believe there is a special cloth that they have to clean it. That is what I use and it works well. You have to be very careful with it. With regards to the tracking wheel that was to be for difficult to track cds but honestly I have never used it. Drop me a note if you have any other questions

Hi Gary,
Thank you very much for your reply. Your answers are
great and I really appreciate your time to help a fellow
Audiogon member. I also took the liberty to look into
your system section and learn a great deal. By the way,
I notice you had some kind of marble slab below the
Mephisto II, is it really important? Again, thank you for
your time.
Dear Pacrat

My pleasure to help out. The slab is actually a symposium svelte shelf. The player sits on rollerblocks upside down. The stand is a custom built unit. Proper isolation is really important for this player and I would strongly suggest something. I tried darumas and thought they were very good. They are substantially cheaper than this solution its just I got these for free from a friend and they are also a big improvement.

Take care
