So YOU can't hear a difference in cables

I do.

I have a set of Van Den Hul the Seconds They get rid of the digtal glare and edge. They are non fatiguing to listen to.
They sound full and lush but give up some detail and soundstage. I can listen to them indefinitely.

My Au24's are more holographic, have better soundstage, detail in spades, but there is that digital edge and glare.

My silver interconnects sound good but tizzy on the top end. They are out.

Day in and day out give me the Van Den Hul the Seconds, no fatigue, but oh I want the detail and soundstage of the AU24's.

If you suffer from that digital glare or edge get the vandys.

I find that the louder the music the more that the cables matter. I find that cables "tune the sound".

Anyone have a suggestion for an interconnect that fits my bill at a reasonable price?
Not to get off the track of this thread, but Reubent is correct...your 333es IS shrill on regular CDs. I've had the unit in stock form, AND in modifed form also, and I promise, it IS shrill as a stock unit, especially on redbook.
Good luck and good listening!
Just to put my two cents in. I too think it might be the sony. Have you tried an RFI filter on your powercord? Try it. Buy a Shakti on-line, or AudioQuest clamp on rfi filter, or some comparable brand. Install it on the powercord just at the base of the sony, It will knock that digital edge off of your sony.
Myraj and Jea48

My Sony is being filtered by a Monster cable power filter.
I like Stereophile and believe that what JA hears I hear.
I have always agreed with him or should I say his ears. Again with the Van Den Hul Cables in place there is NO shrillness or fatigue.
Being so blinded by the Stereophile light is a big mistake. You've had multiple people tell you that the AU24 shouldn't have glare, and the SCD333 may be the cause, but you blindly hold onto the word of a magazine reviewer.

I'm not saying we're right and he's wrong. What I am saying is that if you ignore the advice many, you may end up chasing an audio fairy you can never capture.

Have you considered that the Van Den Hul could actually be masking a deficiency in your system?