Teres Owners - Please help

I am strongly considering a Teres TT and am torn between the 265 and 320 rosewood models (really like the 255, but spouse insists must be all wood). Rosewood was chosen strictly on price vs. Cocoboblo. There are two (2) issues I would welcome comments on.

Issue #1:
After doing research on Agon and AA, the Teres mass loaded design seems to really need a very heavy and stable rack/stand. I have a Salamander Synergy S40 (http://www.salamanderdesigns.com/syn/synergy.jsp?modelbase=su40) rack with a door on the front to “hide” the other equipment. The Teres will be placed on the TOP of the rack. This rack is fairly stable, but not as much as others. Since the mounting surface is not “super” stable, does it make sense to even consider the 320?

Issue #2:
My Preamp is Mac C2200 (40 dB gain), and I plan on keeping it for many years. With only 40dB gain, I am limited to MM or high output MC and am leaning towards a Sumiko Blackbird or Benz at the moment. My budget would allow for the 265 with the Morch 6 arm (possibly the Schoder 2 if stretched) or the 320 with Expressimo modded Rega arm. Keeping in mind that I can only use MM or high output MC carts, is the table or the arm more critical in this situation? Since most people with Teres tables on the discussion forums seem to use < 1.0 mV output cartridges, I was not sure how a higher output cartridge is more tolerant of a “lesser” table/arm combo?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi Encyclopediabsh,

I own a Teres 265 sitting on a Salamander Triple 30. Both purchased for exactly the same reasons as you. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

All the sentiments expressed above are true. The Salamander is a poor audio performer. As Agaffer said, if I tap anywhere on it while playing a record the thump is clearly audible. In fact, I can easily hear the hinges through the speakers when I open/close a door. So I don't thump on it and I leave the doors shut!

Is this setup ideal? Hardly. The Salamander is unquestionably the weakest link in our system. Does it still make stupendous music. You bet. (Lugnut and Frank: to give you some perspective, despite the Salamander our system as a whole is tighter and *very* slightly more resolving than what we heard in Miami, and nearly as macro-dynamic. We just acquired the same power amp you heard there. It is a wonder.)

Our Salamander also sits on a rather shaky suspended wood floor, which doesn't help of course. To isolate it somewhat from floor-borne vibrations there's a heavy-duty sorbathane hemisphere under each of the Salamander's eight feet. Certainly not what I'd like to have, but it does seem to help. FWIW, the TT does not audibly mistrack unless I literally jump up and down right next to it.

Would I prefer a concrete floor and a solid, massive stand? Of course. I know I'd get stronger dynamics and a lower noise floor. Neither that nor a wall mount is an option, so we get by.

Issue #1
Many of the advantages of the 320 vs. the 265 are independent of the support. Its greater mass provides a superior resonance sink. It has a better, quieter motor and a more massive and stable platter. While I certainly agree a better stand would be beneficial, I wouldn't let the Salamander influence the choice between these two particular TT's. OTOH...

Issue #2
A 265/Morch DP6 will walk all over a 320/Expressimo Rega. I wouldn't put a modded Rega on any Teres except a 150 or maybe a 245. The 160, 255 and above all deserve a better arm. So if all-wood is mandatory I think a 265 + DP6 makes great sense.

However, you should follow ASAP with a good pair of stepup trannies and a LOMC. HOMC's and MM's simply don't cut it at this level. A good LOMC and trannies will set you back another $3K or more, but a 265 and DP6 are certainly good enough to take advantage of them.

If you can sell your spouse on the 255 then I'd go for that plus a DP6. This would leave more money available to put toward a better cartridge.
When attempting use of a wall mount rack, be careful before drilling holes and positioning other associated equipment (regardless of table). As Schroder mentions, room nodes can be an issue - a serious issue. I built a wall rack using 1000lb rated Stanley brackets and a 3" rock maple base. I positioned where I THOUGHT I'd be okay and attached straight into wall the studs using SIX 3" lag bolts. The floor was a poured concrete slab. As one increased gain, the air borne resonances caused a terrible rumbling mess. Touching the wall near the supports - rock solid, not so much as a trace of vibration. Further out on the base - different story. Moral? The rack can be mounted like a pillar and while you can eliminate floor vibrations and all but eliminate wall vibrations, those air borne forces are much greater than one would think. A two foot repositioning solved the issue entirely, but the six holes required filling and repainting in the process.
My two cents:
All the posts above are logical. My suggestion would be for a Teres 265 or 320 and definitely a Schroder 2 or Reference. The Schroder arms are just incredible. Get a Reference and you are done for life. You need a stable platform for sure (home made might save money to allow for the better turntable and arm).
Good Luck,
I am in the process of actually setting up my Teres, at last. Finally got my HHG equipment stand on Friday so I could complete this set up. Because of space constraints I had to put all of my audio components on one stand instead of having the turntable on its own stand, as is recommended. So I have a 4 shelf stand plus the turntable on the top; the stand is made out of hardwoods and granite. All of this is on a wood floor, too. The stand itself actually weighs 350 lbs, but it is still not as massive as some people consider adequate. I am hoping for the best. It sure doesn't seem to have any sway or reaction to people moving around in the house, but I don't have my tonearm/cartridge set up as yet, so haven't tested everything with a record playing.

Anyway, my situation isn't quite like yours other than not being ideal. I also have the Model 160 as opposed to the higher end models you are considering. But, though I have little experience with tonearms, so you can take this recommendation with a large grain of salt, I highly recommend the Morch DP6 tonearm. I heard it with a Model 255 and it was wonderful, and Chris was also highly pleased with the combo. I bought it from Chris the same day, with a 12" armwand. I will be using it with a ZYX R100H cartridge, their basic model (all I could afford) and it is also has great synergy with the Teres & the DP6.

Good luck, Encyclopediabsh. Let us know what you decide to do and which Teres you decide to get. They are all things of beauty!

Thanks to everyone for all the helpful suggestions. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. I'll post a follow up after the final decision!