SACD vs Regular CD's

I have a fairly good system, through which I have been listening to CD's with a Meridian G08 player which I have found to be fairly close to the analog sound. My question is, I am also thinking about getting a SACD player. I have NO experience with SACD's: are they worth the investment? is there really that much improvement? what are the pros and cons of SACD?

Any help would be appreciated, and I thank you, in advance, for any helpful comments.


Agree with Suteetat. Music well recorded in DSD not converted to PCM can sound significantly better than redbook. I cannot but a redbook only cd player because I have too many great sounding SACDs and only a few SACDs that are ripoffs. In fact, I have not upgraded my cd/sacd player in a few years because I knew that someday, a DAC would come around that processes DSD from downloads. They are just now starting to be made.

you will want to look into the Sony 5400 ES player, as well as, Marantz SACD players. Happy Listening!
I have an Ayre C5xemp which plays both. All too often, there is very little difference if any at all. Save your money
The gap with CD narrows substantially as playback hardware gets better. For me the beauty of SACD is mainly in the (unfortunatey rare) multi channel releases, not so much the lead in SQ over CD on two channel.
I agree, in very well setup systems with high quality Red book players the gap is quite narrow and with considerable overlap depending on the individual recording.