Wadia 861 Owners...

...are you running direct to your amp as recommended? If so, have you enjoyed the sound running into solid-state or tubed amps, and have you had the opportunity to compare the differences? I am considering an 861se (which I'll audition with my BAT SS amp) but am looking to upgrade my amplification to meet the needs of a new room (22x25x9). My musical tastes are across the spectrum, but I focus on acoustic jazz. Speakers are Verity Parsifals (nominal 6 ohm). Thanks in advance for any suggestions or observations.
Chrysler, may I call you Mopar?, I've employed a tubed preamp/SS amp combo for five years (with Meridian front ends) and this has been a very good combo. And it may be that I end up upgrading along that route. My feeling is, after dropping $7 or 8K on a front end, I want to maximize its value. What monoblocks and preamp are you using?

Mopar works for me. I am running the Wadia 27i/270 through a Mcintosh C2200 (mullard 10m's) and into Mcintosh 1201's. Speakers are Thiel CS6. The Wadia direct was great but I was able to lay back the soundstage of the Thiel's by using the tube preamp and swapping around the tubes. I am using the bypass so only the tubes are affecting the Wadia signal. The result is quite amazing.
Mopar, was the overall sound of the Wadia compromised by the insertion of the 2200 into the chain? I infer, from your enthusiasm, that any loss of PRaT was worth it for the adjustment to the soundstage...or was PRaT enhanced as well? I'm wondering, per some of the suggestions above, if running direct to a tubed amp will deliver my desired result. The Parsifals are known for their midrange, but with a SS amp they deliver a very good low frequency signal. I know the only reasonable path is to audition with both tubed and SS amps, using my tubed pre- as part of the process. Thanks again, for your insight.

I personally feel that any signal loss from using the Wadia direct/volume control issues is reasonably equivalent to any affects of the preamp insertion. This is assuming the use of a decent preamp of course. McIntosh has a tone bypass so only the input signal is amplified through the tubes which I find does not compromise the accurate detail obtained with the Wadia combo. Quite obvious is if one chooses to use the tone controls the output is dramatically different than the direct Wadia, hence in my personal opinion blurred.

In my set up the addition of a preamp extended the superb detail and resolution of the Wadia, enhanced PRaT, but additionally by lenghty tube comparison and employing the tone bypass allowed the soundstage corrections. Coupled with the imaging of the Thiels, I can obtain significant orchestral stage presence throughout the room.

I will also admit freely that my original purpose was to improve the low end response by adding the preamp and use the bass attenuation but have stumbled upon the aforementioned results by accident, and of course buying very expensive NOS/NIB tubes. This is also all with budget cables which I hope to upgrade upon.

Islandear I am using a Sierra Audio K2 Preamp in my main system w/ the Wadia which is very revealing. I this morning added my second systems Bat Vk-3i to the Wadia just for kicks, & it still rivals the Wadia w/o a Pre-amp! And adds a nice amout of tube signature to the soundscape. Do NOT sell your Bat Vk-3i as there's lots of tube-rolling that can be done to take this under-appreciated pre-amp to an entirely higher level! IMHO