Understanding phono stages/What to look for?

Everything from little boxes to full size components. Very few reviews. What should I look for. I have purchased a Black Cube to use with a 30 watt tube integrated. Although I have not been home yet to audition any of it. Why the huge differences in phono stages? I am using a Nottinhgham Interspace w/Rega tonearm OM20 switching soon to a Dynavector 20 low output MC. Will I want to stay with the Lehmann? Lots to learn, Louis
Many of the low end SS phono stages sounded more compressed than the tube gear version. BC isn't that great when it was compared with all my full function tube preamps. It is nice and quiet but very harsh and distorted highs. Even the the bass got beaten by some vintage phono sections in both MM and MC. It was no better than the cheap SS phono section either ( except it has MC.) However, it is usable for less $200 in used market. Nothing to write home about it and don't expect it to out beat a $400 CD player either.
You should go through many of the threads here about amplication for the cartidge.
Musical Fidelity makes a nice tube phone stage for about $400. If can't find a local dealer you can order it from Music Direct which has a no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee.

I agree with S23chang the Black Cubes have very nasty high frequency problems - ba d bad treble with revealing amps / speakers.
I still have the Black Cube but I have purchased the Lyra Dorian instead of the Dyna. Have not had a chance to use it as I have just moved. I want to spend sometime with my old cartridge in my new listening setup before I put in the new one.