Turntable height

This may be irrelavant, immaterial, or just personal choice but is there an accepted norm, or preference, for the height above floor for the record playing surface? For sonics, convenience of use, ease on the back, etc. Thanks.

I don't think there is an "accepted norm." (Sorry, Norm) I have mine at chest height so I can handle the dustcover, clamps, and records comfortably. This also lets me bend over a little to peer at the needle closely when I am cueing to a particular cut on the record.
Skip, you lucky guy. Every time I ask a question, the answer costs me at least twelve hundred bucks. Irrelevant and immaterial, your honor. It is all your own ergonomics. Now, location is another matter.
If you get over 5000 feet, the air gets thin and may affect cartridge performance, as well as speaker sensitivity. But then, it would be really hard to reach the tonearm as well.
Actually, there were rumors of a 'mile-high transcription turntable' being developed at Groom Lake in the mid-60's; but the project was abandoned as it would probably draw too much attention to the top-secret area....