Quality of recording vs Musical tastes

How many of you have ended up "expanding your horizons" musically simply because:

A) you were tired of the poor recordings that "popular music" typically has to offer ?


B) you bought something because it was a known good recording even though you don't normally listen to that type of music ?

I have to say that i am "guilty" on both counts and glad of it.

Before you start nodding your head in agreement, how about passing on some of the "gems" that opened your eyes to a "whole nother world" and how you ended up selecting them. Sound like a way to share some good yet "hidden" music ??? I hope so : ) Sean

PS... Thanks to Craig aka Garfish for the idea : )
An excellent point Craig, Sean! As a pure Classical and Jazz fan, some other titles come to mind though:
The Dire Straights LPs (all)
Joni Mitchel, whose "Blue" LP brought me on to her.
Chet Atkins " in Hollywood" brought me on to his other RCA LPs
"Pyramid" brought me on to the Alan Parsons Project.
Brad Mehldau -but forgot the CD through which I caught fire-
"The Road to Ensenada " made me want more of Lyle Lovett.
And the title of "They don't make Jews like Jesus anymore" got me high on Kinky Freedman!!
The're probably much more, but can't think of them right now.
My angle, perhaps blending previous views. Often, recordings that I have acquired to try (curiosity, recommendation, etc) do not initially meet with my approval; that is, I don't care for them! However, if the recording is outstanding in some way, I am motivated to listen again for that reason and often learn or grow to appreciate or even like the album. :)
I'm with Sndsel on that. Once I've asked my friend why he doesn't like Mireille Mathieu(french femal singer) even if it was his type of music. He explained to me that she hasn't any good recordings, and it doesn't makee a sence to have a high-end rig if you want to listen to her.
I do worship music and I've always been faithful with it. Music is my religion and if it well performed I would listen to it despite the recording quality and the other way: I would never listen even for top-noch recording with something I dislike.
sh*t...I'll buy a cd if the girl on the cover is hot!!! Yes I have also bought simply due to quality of recording, and it has paid off serveral times over...check out Alana Davis. She has 2 cds out, but the first, "Blame It On Me" has several tracks I concider reference tracks, and she is just an amazing singer.

Also Meauve (spelling???) has a cd that will make your heart jump. She is an Irish "folk" singer.

btw: no B.Spears cds in my collection!!!!!!!!!
You should buy LP records with Amanda Lear(a hell of a hot girl back then) and besides she's a great singer.