Power Conditioner Helpful?

I have dedicated lines with Cryo'ed Hubbel outlets and good power cords. My sonics, which mainly come from analog, do not sound at all grungy and the background seems pretty black. But I do live in an audio tunnel and have no chance to a/b or hear other systems so there is the chance that I don't know what "better" could be. Do you think I would benefit from a power conditioner? Cost/benefit is obviously important. My front end is Avid, Tri-Planar, Helikon with an Art Audio Vinyl One. Thanks.
I would either get a Shunyata Hydra 8 power conditioner or a PS Audio Power Plant which is actually a power regenerator. The rest of the units out there to me are not worth their price.
Yes, I think your system would benefit with some type or types of power conditioning. There are so many products on the market that I don't know what to suggest. Try a search on Audiogon or AA for ideas and /or reports regarding how well they work.
You also might take a look at my system posted on Audiogon for some ideas and different products that are available.
Psychicanimal might be able to suggest some good alternatives for you; he's very knowledgeable along these lines.
I strongly and respectfully disagree with Timo. I'm not a fan of the PS Audio's electric regenerators, but I do love the Shunyata Hydra and the Audio Magic line, even more. The Sound Application line is also wonderful. Watch the 'gon and see if you can pick up a used Mini Stealth. Once you hook that baby up you will be released. I have gone from their Stealth, to the Matrix, and now, the Eclipse. A world class power conditioner with matching power cords = electric nirvana. A significant component of any audio system. peace, warren
I believe this is all dependent on one's system and local power supply. In my system (and it's highly resolving), neither the addition of The Bybee Signature or Audio Magic Stealth Mini had an appreciable effect that made the expense worthwhile. My system sounds very clean and "black" going straight to dedicated Hubbell outlets. I agree with the concept of buying used to experiment. That way you have the ability to recoup the cost of the unit if it doesn't blow your skirt up.