Biwired Speakers - silver for high, copper for low

Had the Nordost SPM for many years - needed a WAF thin cable that I can run under the rug. Have recently changed my speaker placement - can now use other cables (within WAF limits - no ugly fat black snakes).

Have tried numerous cables to replace the SPM. Am looking for more body. Found in general, silver cables give more extended high, greater transparency, even delicacy (if well executed) but never quite enough body or bass weight. On the other hand, high purity copper seems great for warmth and body, but you lose some transparency and detail.

So have tried Ridge Street Poiema (silver) for high and home brewed cryoed high purity OFC for bass. On teh whole seems to work well, but have some nagging doubt with integration. I swear I hear something that is not supposed to be there. May be phase shift issue ??

Was contemplating Omega Mikro or other more exotic ones. Any other ideas ?

Tom - reading your post, I would try Luminous Synchestra Signature speaker cables, and the Luminous Synchestra Reference ICs. I have both the Luminous and Poiemas here at the moment - both fully run in and if the Poiema lacks energy and dynamics then the Luminous will take you in the right direction. There is a bigger difference between the ICs than between the SCs. I have rejected the Poiema ICs, but am undecided between the Poiema and Luminous SCs. The Luminous is more revealing, faster and much larger (soundstage/images etc), but is perhaps a little too revealing for poor old redbook CDs.
Bi-wire seems to be have accepted benefits in this thread, although how best to achieve its full benefit does not seem to have much agreement. My equipment manufacturers weren't much help in this regard. Both my speakers and amp have bi-wire facility (extra sets of binding posts). I checked the owner's manuals for each product. Neither offered any justification for using the extra terminals - just a statement that they are there if you think you need to use them. That seems a strong clue that they are there to help move gear out the door rather than for audio enhancement. I can't for think of any reason why 2 pipes would be audibly better than 1, assuming the 1 is properly sized, but since I happened to have a couple of very different speaker cable sets lying around, I said what the hey, let's hook 'em up. One set came with my used speakers (I would never have bought such); it's a funky braid of 8 individually jacketed 23AWG wires. The other is my standard bulk copper 12AWG zip. Since the braided cable has less than half the inductance of the zip, I decided to use it on the hi side. At least one speaker manufacturer says using different types of cables will ruin the sound. OTH, the owner's manual for mine suggests using different type cables. Go figure. Doesn't exactly sound like science going down here. Cutting to the chase, my system sounded great with one pipe and it sounds great with two pipes. Am I happy? You bet. I hate to see things go unused (personal hang-up). Now all my binding posts are in service of my sound. Yippee. YMMV.
Tom, I agree the problem is not in your system which makes me think you already have what you need with the Nordost. I would consider working on small adjustments to your speaker placement and your isolation of components. I have been amazed at how good equipment like yours responds to different cones and/ or bearing isolation. If you have questions regarding this post please e-mail me, I'd be happy to go into more detail. I would need to understand your room size, and speaker location along with your listening position.
I also owm a dual run of Poimia Speaker cables from my Krell KSA-250 to Legacy Focus Speakers.
Contracy to what ridge street cables claims I have found that they need lots of break in time for the bass to develop. I know they claim they sound good right away , but I did not think so. I also ran them on a Audiodharma Cable cooker for a few days. I used mine for about 45 days and finally got them broken in , and I asked for a slightly longer pair, which Robert Abliged , but here I go again with the break in blues, just as you described. From my past experinece , I am not worried , eventually the bass gets deeper and well defined. If you would like I can burn the cables in for you.