Eichmann bullet plugs on Valhalla interconnects

A crazy idea or a sound upgrade to the Valhalla RCA plugs?
Has anyone tried it?
No, no, NO !!! Whether it will sound slightly better or not, you will destroy the resale value of these cables! Figure 30% to 50% LESS then the price that you should receive on the used market. In this case, LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE !!!
No, as far as I know... I dont think they sell Valhalla in bulk. Someone asked already. (*Correct me if I am wrong)
No they do not. Nordost told me that the will cut a section of Valhalla (say 4 meters) and then cut that section in half, and terminate the ends to make a 2 meter pair. In this manner, your cable pair is ALWAYS matched from the same location in the bulk spool. This assures identical matching of left and right cables, as any minute deviations within tolerances limits that may occur during the production run, are eliminated. This may not be the case if your left cable comes from the beginning of the production run, and your right cable, from the end. Just another quality aspect of this cable! It's much easier (and cheaper!) to bulk cut a spool, terminate en masse, then package any two cables as an "identical" pair!