Dynavector Karat 17D2 MKII vs. Lyra Dorian

Has anyone compared these two? Which would work better for me? I am using a Nottingham Interspace with a stock Rega arm (to be modded one day). A Lehmann Black Cube(stock) an a 30 watt tube integrated amp. Revel M20s but, that will be the next thing to change after the cartridge.
I own a Dyna XX-2 and love it - it does all the things that people praise the Zyx range for but with more dynamic energy. I was all set to buy a 17D2 until I lucked out on a fantastic deal for the XX-2.

The 17D2 has a very clever design stylus and cantilever that track very accurately so detail is very good.

In my experience I have found the Lyras a little "thin" sounding although a Helikon worked well with an SME IV (which can be bass-heavy). My hunch is that the Lyras have been voiced to work with mellow, euphonius tube amplification.
I have the Dyna 17d2 with the VPI and it has good synergy. It leaves me not wanting to upgrade. The transient response on the cartridge if terrific. I haven't heard the Lyras enough to have an opinion.

Yeah - good point on the Lyra's and tubes - I have a Cary Rocket. This may very well be that the Dyna has a tighter presentation on a solid state. I still say it's all about synergy, and carts/tables/phono are the trickiest. It seems better to integrate them as a whole into a system rather than piece-meal.