Speaker cable length for L/R channels critical?

I have a good system that utilizes some older discontinued speaker cable that I like a lot. It is 10 feet in length and I need that length to reach the left speaker. The amp is not (and cannot be) located center between the speakers.
The problem is I wish to biwire and have an opportunity to buy a 6 foot pair. The question is this: Can I run both 10 foot cables to the left speaker and run the 6 foot pair to right without any wierd effects like "ghosting" or have one channel be clearer or louder than the other? Any ideas? Thanx
Regarding that man is not equipt to ´hear´ if L/R speakercables are of different lenght with potential phase and coloration errors - It was a fact a few years ago that we couldn´t hear much over 20Khz as well.

Speakers and sound reproduction mediums has evolved a bit based on what we can not ´hear´.

Art: If a cable colors the sound, then it is typically true that the longer it is, the more it will color the sound. (The exception: if what's coloring the sound is the circuitry within a network box, then cable length doesn't matter.) Whether cables *should* color the sound is a philosophical question, with no answer. Some audiophiles try to avoid such cables; for them, minor differences in length do not matter.

M: It is still a fact that we can't hear much above 20kHz. No amount of audio technology is going to change that.
I have my left cable at 25ft. and my right one at 10ft.
I can't tell any difference.
It is likely that you wont hear any difference. I have heard shuch systems with different speaker cable lengths, and I could not tell the difference.
Pabelson - Yes, I know our ears capability. Explain how come man can tell difference between a tweeter rolling off at 22Khz and a tweeter rolling off at 33Khz, when we should not be able to.

All the music reproduction industry is barking up the wrong tree stretching up their equipment above 20Khz?

OTOH I think it would take very special conditions for anybody to hear difference in cable leghts. One could probably sit very satisfied with such a sollution if other will not work.
I, on the other hand knowing that there is a mismatch/phase/coloration problem ( how ever tiny ) in my gear, would not accept that. But that´s me. Or as I thought the audiophile ´must-be-perfect-sickness´ ; )