Experience with Chang Lightspeed Conditioners?

Has anyone had any experiences with Chang Lightspeed Powerline Conditioners? Any Opinions, rants etc would be greatly appreciated!

thanks in advance...

I have used a Chang for many years with great success.I route my cd player,tuner and linestage to the Chang,which is plugged into a 20 amp dedicated line. I plug my mono amps directly into a seperate dedicated 20 amp line. The Chang does a very good job without coloration.I definately think they are worth the modest $500 investment. Don't get caught up in all the hype in the marketplace.The Chang is fine for most people. Good luck
I have the 6400, am very pleased with it for use with CD player, preamp, and other line-level devices, and even with my Quad 77 Integrated. Bigger amps can sound a bit anemic with it. All in all, a solid value.