Have you ever been stuck?

I was just wondering how many of you have come across counterfeit money orders or certified checks when doing business via COD or anyway with audiogon members?
Not so far, from Audiogon but sure got scammed few years back from posting an ad on Usnet rec.audio.marketplace. Sold a Krell amp and a preamp to a guy in NJ. Took all the precautions I could have taken and requested two different major bank cashiers check for COD to assure I get paid for both boxes, etc. The loser paid the UPS driver with two Chase Manhattan Bank Cashier's checks and they got deposited - and two weeks later got a call from my bank... They were counterfeits. The saddest part was that there were other victims and the FBI would not even open a case even after we had supplied them with the person's id and pointing out other scamming he was doing at the time. I lost $4500 others lost more. NO more COD's for me!
oh man, Kelly that was low: but hey the truth hurts sometimes!
I just had to laugh - our old farmhouse is literally surrounded by corn & soybeans, but there's very little C&W in our music library (OK I'll allow you a few in the Stevie Nicks collection).
As others have pointed out, this is a more general question and not Audiogon specific. But, yes, I have been scammed with a counterfeit COD check and won't ever do business that way again with somebody I don't know. There is little to no recourse and it's pretty easy to do seemingly, at least once you're past the lack of ethics part. -Kirk
Had a Nak tape deck arrive DOA after the seller assured me it had just come from Nak and even faxed me the receipt but this was on eBAY. I don't buy there, just sell now.