do, mfsl, dcc or gold cds really sound better?

i was wondering if people who have had experience feel that mfsl,dcc or gold cds really do sound better and are worth the price. i am getting a cal cl-20 player soon and was considering buying some new music. the player is hdcd compatible and 24/96. interested in all opinions.
Generally, these are superior. However, if the master tapes are bad to start with, not much can be done to improve. I have several mofi of jazz and have yet to be disappointed when comparing directly with the redbook copy.
If that cal player is 24/96 DVD the then the classic records DAD's are really good. rivals' SACD. titles are limited... I think Also, all the JVC xrcd's are super sounding. The source material is crucial to getting good sound. That said, mapleshade cd's sounds awesome, are they are normal aluminum cd's. go figure...

I'm a analog guy, but good cd's aren't bad :) !
it depends on what you are comparing them to..if its a major label cd title, mastered and manufactured domestically,and marketed in the 1980's or early 90's the gold discs generally are an improvement...but compared to most japanese versions of the same titles,or newly remastered domestic versions, the gold discs generally fall short...mastering cd's has improved more in the last two years,than in the first 20.