Converting Flac to Wav & Upconversion

I've seen Steve N. Recommend converting Flac to Wav a few times in the threads. Last night I downloaded DBPoweramp to give it a try. It worked great. Just took 16/44 Flac & converted to 16/44 wav. Then I noticed it offered upconversion capability... It was late, I should have been in bed an hour before, but I sat there and converted another flac file, setting it to upconvert to 24/192... Let it do its thing, hit play, heard music and when I looked up at my DAC, it said 24/192. It worked!. It was late, I had the volume on very very low, everyone was asleep. Sure, I'll listen and report, but 'm wondering if anyone else has tried this and found any sound quality difference between Flac Or Wav @ 16/44 vs upconverting the recording? I and I'm sure others would love to hear your experience, thanks in advance, Tim
Maybe this was covered, but anybody know a good, reliable program that can do bulk conversion of a library of 1000's of .wav files to FLAC?

I would do this mainly for the metadata tagging advantages of FLAC versus .wav. My library is mostly .wav, just a few FLAC, but I would like to investigate moving more towards FLAC in the future.
jRiver or dbPoweramp can do the trick. I believe if you go to the FLAC website there is a free converter as well. There may be others available free. Do a google search.

My system does resolve the differences and they are clearly discernible. I have never used USB only Ethernet and I'm learning more tricks all the time about how to improve the sound quality. Using CAT 7 Ethernet cable, providing linear power supplies for routers and gigabyte switches, using Fidelizer, using PS Audio regenerators and filters for all front end components and any piece of computer related hardware, are a few of the almost insane lengths I've gone to. I suspect that many of these tweaks would help systems with USB interfaces as well.

It would be interesting to compare USB to Ethernet streaming to find if there were inherent advantages in sound quality from one system to the other.

In my system, comparing the same WAV to Flac files, I don't hear differences in imaging, but there is just a little more snap and live sound with WAV and maybe a little more blackness. However if one is not comparing them purposely, they are so close that one is really not aware that, "Oh, too bad that was a Flac file not a WAV."

I'm investigating types of computers, their components, and operating systems to find out how I can improve this aspect as well.

Thanks for your input.

Thanks for that info.

Which program is best from a usability perspective in order to just point to a source music library and convert to a target without any additional manual interaction? I"d like to be able to fire off the program just once and have it convert all my thousands of files in one reliable shot.

I get excellent results with wireless lan connection to music server. THis approach provides excellent electronic isolation between noisy computer gear and sensitive audio gear. Also excellent for physical isolation between the two as well.

I think I have heard some similar differences to what you describe between FLAC and .wav, enough to prevent me from going all FLAC so far, but have not done enough critical comparison to say for sure.
Each program works a little differently and they should be able to convert your entire library though it might take several hours. Which format are you going to switch them all too?
I am running a trial version of switch converter software as we speak. Its in process of test converting all my files from wav to flac to see how it goes. Over 21000 files to convert. Should complete this weekend sometime i'm hoping and then will see what i have.