Xindak Cable Question


Based on the recommendation of many fellow Gonners here and first hand account of many satisfied users I have decided to give these a try. Wondering what the general opinion on break in time is? Also, is FS-Gold their top-of-the-line?
Brent: I'm glad that you're having good luck with and enjoying your SACD 1000. My unit went down after about 11 months worth of daily use. I sent it into the local Philips facility for repair and there it sat. They did not have the parts needed to repair it and told me it would be a month or two before they were in. After two months of down-time, i called them up to see what the deal was. They offered to refund my money, give me a 963 as a replacement or i could wait for the parts. I told them that i would have to think about the refund and would get back to them. I didn't want the 963 and i already had a 763 in another system. I figured that i would ride it out and let them sit on the unit, but never called them back up one way or the other.

After two more months went by ( four months now ), i called to see what the deal was. They told me that the parts for my unit had come in, but because they weren't sure if i was going to take the refund or not, they had used them on another unit instead. Needless to say, i was "slightly upset" and blew up. Wanting to be done with them, i took the refund and they did whatever it is they did with the defective units.

I ended up replacing it with a Denon DVD-2900, which has performed flawlessly now for several months. Then again, my SACD 1000 never gave me any problems until it decided to go belly-up, so i hope the Denon is more reliable. Judging from past experience, my guess is that it is a more durable product. I'll shut-up now so that those interested in Xindak cabling can read what they came here for : ) Sean
Alex has identified the problem that plagued that unit. Phillips could not identify it and discontinued production and then came the Best Buy fire sale. My understanding is that it was the mace and furore chips . His ability to repair it is grand enough but the mod he is doing is incredible. I am going to do a review of my impression of the 2 channel unit first and then the mulltichannel one after that.
I'd be interested to read what others think of the Xindak Gold power cord as well. I have one and think it's OK but I'm curious as how they would compare to some of the other big names out there.I am using noname DIY type power cords which I guess are alright and find the Xindak to be around that type of sound quality. I have no idea if my power cords are really good or just OK. The music sounds good though and that's what matters. I too find myself playing with cables and isolation devices for the sake of experimentation's sake and find it an interesting excercise to play with different cables. I cannot afford to play with different components . I am a one system type of guy because I cannot afford another big system but have a small second system in my spare room composed of a vintage Maranntz 2252b and Jamo bookshelve speakers with an older Denon CDP.I call it my daughter's system but I'm fooling no one. I just like to play.