why felt?

why do rega and many other tt manufacturers chose felt mats? I have found that my P3 often sounds better with a rubber mat and record clamp.
Have you ever heard felt? ;-)
Maybe its like car dealers, they put cheap tires on and the rest is your problem.
Hold a felt mat from the top with one hand, now tap it with your fingernail. Now tap a rubber mat in the same way. What you are hearing are the resonant signatures of the two mats. The felt will have less signature. That doesn't mean you won't like it less, though.
Gee I didn't know I was touching on something close to the second cousin twice removed from the truth. How is it that the fingernail tap evokes a signature that is revealing of comparing felt and rubber? I never tried rubber, but I have turned from felt to Ringmat. They would have you believe that such a tap would not be helpful because of the interaction of cork, paper and cut-out shapes in parallel to the resting surface. Then again maybe that is a crock, but I do like it better than felt at higher SPLs.
sorry for the confusion, but is this somehow related to the recent identity of "deep throat"?